Интернет-представительство ФУМО "Биологические науки"

О дикой природе Соединённых Штатов в цифровом формате

О дикой природе Соединённых Штатов в цифровом формате

eNature.com is the web's premier destination for information about the wild animals and plants of the United States. Over past years, eNature has consistently been one of the Internet' most-visited sites for nature and wildlife information and has won numerous awards and accolades.

The site's core content of wildlife information about almost 6,000 individual species is the same data set used to create the printed Audubon Field Guides. All the data has been carefully reviewed and vetted by leading biologists, zoologists and other natural history specialists.

eNature.com is owned and operated by the Shearwater Marketing Group, a privately-held company providing marketing services to both non-profit and private sector clients, focusing primarily on wildlife and nature.
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